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FEI Competitor's Checklist

When you want to enter an event like a CVI or world championships, the requirements are quite different than what you would expect at regular Canadian vaulting competitions. You will be entering on behalf of your country so this involves both Equine Canada and the International Equestrian Federation.


Updating for Provincial Vaulting Trainers

To meet the minimum annual updating requirements of this certification, trainers must submit proof of their attendance at approved courses/seminars/clinics. All instructional events organized by your provincial vaulting organization are automatically approved for upgrading, as are all such events organized by your provincial equestrian sport organization. All other educational events must be preapproved by the chair of your provincial vaulting organization's Education Committee.


2024 Competition Rules, Policies and Resources

This page contains information about, and downloads for, National, Provincial, and FEI rules plus the Guidelines for both barrel competitions and other unrecognized classes that may be offered in Canadian competitions. Also included are links to the FEI Guidelines and Code of Points.


High School Credits

At this time, this program is only available in BC. The BC Ministry of Education has approved the application by the EVABC granting high school credits to vaulters who achieve significant milestones in their careers. The program provides opportunities for the following credits:


Provincial Vaulting Trainer Certification

The Provincial Vaulting Trainer Program has been established since 1995 and is recognized by Horse Council BC, the Alberta Equestrian Federation, and the Saskatchewan Horse Federation.


Judges Certification

In Canada, we have Provincial and National Judges. Provincial Judges can judge provincial events as well as Equestrian Canada divisions up to and including 3* Level (at National competitions). National Judges can judge Provincial events and all Equestrian Canada divisions.